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What can be more hearty than an all-ages party for all the people, and nothing can be as unrestrained as a complete release on a street corner.

一说到音乐节,就忍不住的开始摇摆身体,跳动的鼓点,强劲的节奏,攒动的人影,一想到去年的时候参加的各种音乐节现在还热血沸腾得不行呢~喜爱音乐的大家应该都听过,每年6月21日的法国夏至音乐节,在这天无论是业余爱好者还是专业音乐人,都只有一个信念:   音乐才是王后,成千上万的音乐爱好者走上街头进行音乐表演。

When it comes to music festivals, you can't help but start swaying your body, beating drums, strong rhythms, silhouettes, a thought of last year when you participated in a variety of music festivals are still boiling hot to go.  Music lovers should have heard, the French summer music festival on June 21 every year, on this day, whether amateurs or professional musicians, there is only one belief: music is the queen, thousands of music lovers take to the streets to perform music.

所有的活动都对公众免费开放,各种各样的音乐流派都会在这里汇聚摇滚,灵魂,放克,爵士,雷鬼,流行,古典。不只是 法国,夏至音乐节甚至辐射全球,逐渐发展为每年这个时候全世界各大城市都成为一个法国文化之夜。

All events are free and open to the public, and all genres of music converge here: rock, soul, funk, jazz, reggae, pop and classical. Not only in France, but the Summer Solstice Festival has spread around the world, growing to become a night of French culture in every major city in the world at this time of year. 

再到苏格兰爱丁堡,每年举办的超过70年历史的爱丁堡艺穗节,前沿、创意、民间、进取、多样性。艺穗信奉创意的无界, 公园、商场、咖啡厅、广场,处处会是表演的舞台,欧陆前沿的缤纷演艺、图瓦草原的曼妙琴歌、印度次大陆的绚烂色彩,在这里共冶一炉!

And then there's Edinburgh, Scotland, where the annual Edinburgh Fringe Festival, over 70 years old, is cutting edge, creative, folk, progressive and diverse. The Fringe believes that creativity knows no boundaries, that parks, shopping malls, cafes and squares are all stages for performances, and that the colours of the European frontier, the music of the Tuvan meadows and the Indian subcontinent are all in one place!


Whether it's the French Summer Solstice Festival or the Edinburgh Fringe, it's a celebration of culture that covers the whole city and the country, radiating from all over the world. It is a colourful melting pot that embraces different cultures and different lives.


This year is the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, and the 38th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Shenzhen, which was born and flourished as a result of reform, is still firm in its convictions and high in its fighting spirit. From the frontier town 38 years ago to the legendary rise of today, every inch of land carries the miracle of reform and opening up, and every building tells the story of the city's brilliant development. On this occasion, we would like to prepare a special birthday gift for the beautiful Shenzhen.

这个9月,合纵文化集团发起的一场属于鹏城人的音乐盛事『98音乐艺文节』。我们决定将把这样一个          狂欢的盛宴带到深圳,让音乐文艺从室内到室外,从街头到酒吧,打破这个枯燥乏味的城市生活,2018唱响全!深!圳!

In September, Hezong Culture Group launched a music event "98 Music and Arts Festival" which belongs to the people of Pengcheng. We decided to bring such a carnival feast to Shenzhen, and let music and art from indoor to outdoor, from the street to the bar, to break the boring city life, and sing in 2018. Deep! Can!


Shenzhen in September


You'll see colorful cultural events on the streets in many places.


A familiar song in your headphones might pop up around the corner.


It's an all-city carnival without tickets.


Creativity, art, music


圳What awaits you will be more flavorful and different from the old Shenzhen.


Different music.


Different cultures


Will mingle here again ......


Are you ready for a different Shenzhen in September?


Poetry and faraway places are never far from us ......


Love and peace


More news, please look forward to!
